Jun 25, 2008

Rico Brogna Doesn't Answer Phone; Next Choice, Brian Daubach, Joins Big Show

Just kidding. I like the Daubber. Plus, judging from the quotes below, he's done his WEEI homework!

"Well, the Big Show first contacted me a couple months ago about becoming an afternoon co-host," the former Red Sox, White Sox, Met and Marlin said. "Mostly, I've been working on my fake laugh. I'd say it's about 90% right now. I'm just looking for a chance to get in there and see how it feels live."

Something tells me he's gonna do juuuust fine. Especially:

"Steve Buckley's old-time, gay-ass, baseball something or other is coming up, right? Do I have to actually play in that?"

The guy's a natural!

Pots, Kettles, and Blacks

Don Imus came under fire again this week for racially charged comments relating to Pacman Jones. Among the I-Man's critics was Callahan, who derided Imus as a "racist, old crank."

Now, some might view this as laughably hypocritical of our boy, Gerry. After all, does he not own a coffee mug inscribed with, "World's Greatest Racist Crank" ? Indeed, he does. (He keeps it on his Herald desk, right next to his copy of Cheapshots: An Illustrated Handbook for the Pickup Basketball Player.)

[Figure 2.7]

The only way to reconcile this, then, is to focus on the second word of Gerry's epithet. Old. Because that's really the only difference between the two. Hmmm....OK, here goes: I'm guessing there exists within the racist crank community an age-based pecking order, in which the older racist cranks are discounted as doddering coots, and the younger racist cranks are dismissed as snot-nosed punks......That makes sense, right? Right?

Gerry may be an ageist. But a hypocrite? To quote Butch Stearns, "I'm not so sure about that."

(The best part of the story is Imus's claim that he was being intentionally sarcastic, rather than unguardedly racist. It actually would've been more believable if he used the I was rehearsing for a play defense. )

["Zero point zero....Good Glavin!"]

Jun 24, 2008

Thangst for nothing, Butch

Filling in for Gerry on Monday was Butch Stearns, who must go to bed each night and rise each morning shaking his head in wonderment that he actually has a job.

Butch and Dino were theorizing as to why Fenway crowds have been relatively quiet as of late, even in close games. Stearns himself said he doesn't get too worked up for games now. But that doesn't mean he's passionless. Rather, he's just waiting for the right time:

"I'll angst later. I'll angst in September. I'll angst in October."

You do that, Butchie. In the meantime, let's hope someone is kind enough to pull you aside and inform you that "angst" isn't a verb.

Now, granted, anyone who talks into a microphone for 4 straight hours is going to suffer some lingual lapses. Plus, Stearns is hardly the only WEEI co-host to misspeak. In fact, butchering the English language is something of a club sport over at 850 (Sheppard's got a "C" on his grease-stained jersey for this).

Still, there was something funny about the way Butch made up a word and used it three times in a row for emphasis.

But you know what? Perhaps I'm not giving him enough credit. After all, Butch was filling in for Gerry. And thanks to his malapropism, it was almost like Callahan was there.

Almost. Some things you just can't replace. Like barely-concealed contempt for minorities. Nobody does that like Gerry.

Jun 18, 2008

Pete Sheppard Ends Cookie Diet. Keebler Elves Announce Massive Layoffs.

Did you know that some Smurfs are prejudiced towards Keebler elves? It's true. Sometimes if a Smurf is walking at night and a Keebler elf approaches from the other direction, the Smurf will cross the street.

In general, Smurfs have become more progressive in their thinking. But among older Smurfs, you still hear the racial slur "Keeb" tossed around.

Jun 13, 2008

MG Remembers...

I experienced my first crisis of conscience while listening to John Dennis talk about a Patriots game. Specifically, D&C were analyzing a play late in the 4th quarter, in which a scrambling Tom Brady sought to conserve precious seconds of game-time.

Anyway, Dino wondered aloud why Brady ran out of bounds 2 yards shy of the first down. When all he had to do was stay inbounds, pick up the first down, and the clock would stop for the chains to be moved.


How could Dennis think that the NFL stops the clock on first downs? Everyone knows this is a college rule. I mean, even people who don't really follow football know it's college-only. Hell, the Guatemalan girl who used to clean my cage at the zoo--she's never watched a down of American football in her life--and she knows the NFL doesn't stop the clock on first downs.

So how the hell could the co-host of a major sports radio show not know that?

I remember being shaken and confused. But more than that, I was embarrassed for John. Especially when a caller pointed out the gaffe. John quickly changed the subject, yelled at the caller, and hung up on him (standard operating procedure), but his voice was unusually shrill. You could hear his humiliation.

Sigh. It's never fun when your heroes stumble.

Jun 4, 2008

Dale Arnold Talks Black. Region Suffers…..Metco Gorilla Suffers More Than Most

Of all the cringe-inducing things you’ll hear on WEEI, Dale Arnold's occasional hip-hop speak is the worst. MG would blush with embarrassment if he could. But he can’t. (As you probably know, humans are the only primates who can blush. Well, actually, I've known some Japanese Snow Monkeys who can blush. Plus, of course, the Yeti.)
[This yeti's got a little ZZ Top thing going on.]

What Dale says: Don't be bringin' that weak-ass stuff into my lane!

What Dale thinks: Heh heh. I'm a dorky white guy, but I use urban phrases now and then. Because everyone knows how funny it is when a straitlaced white guy talks like a black dude, right? Right?

I'm literally losing my hair over this...and I'm not misusing "literally" like everyone on 850 does. I mean, each time Dale talks like this, I go Samsonite-commercial crazy and pull out a tuft of my own fucking hair!

Sweet St. Bonobo, please make that midday geek stop. I can't take any more.

Steve Buckley, Iron Man

The Streak Continues!

3,148 Days Without Saying Anything Remotely Funny

Anybody can be unfunny for a day or two. Some people can even go a full week without a single clever utterance.

But only one man has the unique talent and dogged persistence to give us nearly nine years' worth of bad puns and pointless stories.

Say what you want about Buckley:

He's arrogant. He's self-righteous. He's the prototypical sports-radio Jekyll-and-Hyde (self-styled tough guy / whiney little pussy).

All true. But above all, he's stultifyingly boring. And that's what makes him special.

[Actual listeners]